Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct is intended to provide you with the information necessary to feel safe and supported in your decision to attend therapy, healing, or educational/instructional sessions.
1. Confidentiality
Any personal information about you (and/or your artwork in therapy sessions) is held inline with our privacy policy and as outlined in the terms and conditions.
Group Therapy Sessions:
Anything said between any two or more group members at any time, during group therapy sessions, is part of the therapy group and is confidential. I understand that everything said in this group is confidential. I agree to keep secret the names of other members of the therapy group and what is said in the group. I agree to keep secret anything which occurs between or among therapy group members. I understand that there is an exception to this confidentiality which applies to the group leader. If the group leader believes that someone is in danger, the leader has a professional obligation to take direct action in order to keep everyone safe.
I agree not to keep secret from the group anything which occurs within the group. Anything which occurs between or among any members is part of the group is kept secret from anyone outside of the group but is not kept secret from the group. This also applies to any individual meetings you may have with a group leader. I understand that if I violate this confidentiality I could be removed from the group.
2. Self Care
In your sessions you agree to be an active participant in outlining your needs, goals, and the way you would like to improve your mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. This work may bring up unpleasant or troubling feelings and/or memories. This is part of the process. If this is your experience it is recommended to share this with the practitioner and/or another mental health professional/specialist to be fully supported. This work may also bring up very satisfying feelings and you are encouraged to process these as well.
You understand many clients utilise holistic integrated creative art therapy, crystal energy healing and other modalities offered as an adjunct to working with other health professionals and this is recommended if you wish to have a full diagnostic assessment completed as I am not licensed to provide such services. If you would like referrals for someone licensed please feel free to ask me.
3. Crisis Situations
If you are in crisis you agree to call Lifeline 13 11 14, local police, or 000.
4. Privacy
No one is ever required to answer any question, to participate in any activity, or to tell anything. If I am asked questions or asked to participate in an activity which makes me feel uncomfortable, I understand that I have the right to pass, that is, the right to refuse. I also understand that I will benefit more from the session the more I am able to take risks in sharing and participating. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information about privacy.
Group Sessions:
I agree that I will never pressure other group members to participate in any discussion or activity after the member has passed or refused. I understand that the group leader is obliged to protect this right.
5. Dignity
No one should ever be humiliated, hazed, or abused in any way. I agree to avoid this destructive behaviour in any sessions be it individual or group sessions.
6. Zero Tolerance For Violence, Intimidation Or Bullying
Violence or intimidation toward others is never tolerated. I understand that I must never be violent or intimidating toward others during any session and that if I threaten to harm persons or property I will be asked to leave, and/or the authorities contacted, and/or the session ended, and/or all services may be discontinued for individual indefinitely.
7. Alcohol And Other Drugs
Individuals cannot participate in any session under the influence of alcohol or other mind-altering drugs. When under the influence of chemicals, persons do not have access to their emotions and have less control over their behaviour. I understand that if the leader believes that I am under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, I will be asked to leave.
8. Exclusive Relationships
Dating and other exclusive relationships between or among therapy group members are not a good idea. The relationships can make other group members feel left out. When a couple breaks up, for example, this can be most painful and may make it impossible for these people to continue in the group. Since anything which occurs between or among group members is part of the group, members who are dating or in very exclusive relationships may be embarrassed when their intimate moments are discussed in the group.
9. Gossip
Gossip and secret grudges can be very destructive in a group. I agree that if I have something to say to another group member, I will try to say it to the member directly rather than talk about him/ her behind his/her back.
10. Attendance
I agree that I will attend every session unless an emergency arises. If an emergency should arise, I will notify the facilitator/practitioner prior to the meeting to tell him or her that I will be unable to attend. In the case of therapy group sessions, I understand that the group leader will tell the therapy group what has happened. I understand that if I have three unexcused absences, my continued group session/class membership will be discussed.
11. Carers / Support Workers
Carers and parents are encouraged to use the waiting area unless specific additional support is required.
Parents, carers and guardians understand that the code of conduct also applies to those under 18 and will share this information, in an age appropriate manner, to anyone in their care whom they make a booking for.
I understand that specific processes and plans will be in place in regard to COVID 19 and agree to follow those guidelines/processes.
Children under 18
I understand that all employees will have a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) and that all volunteers will have a volunteer WWCC. I understand that should I present a threat to myself or others, aah art and healing has a duty of care to discuss with the parents/carers and relative authorities.
12. Communication
Please switch off your mobile phone and other devices for the duration of the session. School aged clients are required to leave their device with their parents/carers for the session. Clients can contact the practitioner by e-mail, phone or text to confirm or change appointments or update basic information. Clinical questions and issues cannot be answered or discussed via e-mail/ SMS or text and will be deferred to the next session. This is because these forms of communication are not considered a secure/ confidential enough form of communication. Friend requests and/or other forms of social media contact will not be a part of the therapeutic relationship.
13. Internet Connectivity
Should the members of any group sessions form and participate in an online group together, of course, the same cautionary notes apply to the internet communications in terms of both confidentiality and inter-group sharing as noted in this code of conduct.
14. Client Responsibilities
I agree to:
keep scheduled appointments, show up on time and leave promptly after sessions
pay the agreed upon fee in full and on time
be open and trust the process of service provided
be honest
switch off your phone/devices
care for individuals, equipment and space with respect
15. Cancellation Of Bookings
Please refer to the terms and conditions regarding cancellations. Policies are in place, in part, to encourage your investment in the therapy process but also to allow someone else the ability to take your time or group slot.
16. Payment
Payment for each session will be made prior to or at the time of the session. You understand that all services are self-pay and no insurances are accepted. Please note that I am a small business and do not operate under the rebate scheme. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.
17. Other
The services provided by aah art and healing are for personal development purposes only and are not intended for professional training. For legal and ethical reasons, it would be inappropriate for clients to offer/share the content of sessions with others after attending an aah art and healing group or individual sessions. Handouts and other resources remain the intellectual property of aah art and healing and may not be copied or distributed without permission.
Please click here for a pdf version of this Code of Conduct.